
Greener living A stylish garden environment throughout the year

Flower beds, pots or flower boxes, romantic, minimalist or Mediterranean, monochrome or full of colour – for anyone wishing to design their own individual environment in their garden or on their terrace, rigorous planning is always the starting point. A harmoniously coordinated planting plan is always the key to a year-round green oasis, however little space may be available.

The design code for a stylish garden

Anyone seeking to create their own individual outdoor environment is free to indulge their personal tastes as they wish, of course. It is nevertheless wise to heed a few simple rules, so as as to ensure that the plants in the garden or on the terrace present a stylish overall appearance rather than just a motley assembly of greenery. Smaller flowers should never be planted alone, for example, but in groups of three at least, so as to produce attractive little islands of serenity. It goes without saying that larger plants should be positioned in the background, so that smaller varieties can be shown off to best advantage. Large shrubs and bushes are also ideal for the purposes of privacy or for concealing unsightly walls.

In nature, every season has its special charms. Even the supposedly drab winter can bring forth such lush and colourful flowering plants as the Bodnant viburnum.

Per Pflanzplan die Jahreszeiten im Überblick

Per Pflanzplan die Jahreszeiten im Überblick Wie schön, wenn Garten und Terrasse das ganze Jahr über neue blühende Highlights bieten! Damit man sich immer wieder auf neue Blütenpracht mit jeweils unverwechselbar eigenem Charme freuen kann, sollte die Bepflanzung jahreszeitlich passend zusammengestellt werden. Um den Überblick nicht zu verlieren, legt man zu Beginn der Garten-Aktivitäten am besten einen Pflanzplan an. Dabei sollte lediglich darauf geachtet werden, dass Blumen, Stauden und Sträucher nach ihrer Blütezeit ausgerichtet im Gelände verteilt sind. Das heißt, Sorten, die früh, mittelfrüh oder spät blühen untereinander kombinieren und ganz nach Geschmack mit ganzjährigen Blühern (z.B. Lavendel, Sterndolde oder Färberkamille), Mehrfachblühern (z.B. Beet- und Kleinstrauchrosen) oder eleganten Ziergräsern (z.B. Chinaschilf, Blauer Strandhafer oder Pampasgras) zusammenstellen.

A feast for the eyes throughout the seasons
Combine flowers, shrubs and bushes which flower in succession.


Shrubs: Aubrieta, aurinia saxatilis, bergenia, doronicum
Bulbs: Hyacinths, crocus, leucojum vernum, daffodils
Bushes: Forsythia, flowering currant, meadow sweet, rhododendron, magnolia


Shrubs: Larkspur, phlox, coneflower
Annuals: Marigolds,  alpine chrysanthemums, sunflowers 
Bi-annuals: Hollyhock, common hollyhock, daisy, wallflower, honesty
Bushes: Wild rose, summer lilac, hydrangea 
Climbers: Clematis and wisteria


Shrubs: Aconitum carmichaelii, thimbleweed, wild chrysanthemum
Bushes: Shrubby cinquefoil, autumn-flowering cherry, ling, Perovskia


Shrubs: Christmas rose
Bushes: Winter jasmine, witch hazel, Bodnant viburnum, Edgeworthia chrysantha

A home for insects and birds

Bees and butterflies are especially partial to the pollen and nectar of particular plants. Currants, sunflowers and wild chrysanthemums should be included among the seasonal plants to accommodate their tastes. Apart from berried bushes and meadows offering a rich variety of flowers, birds also love parts of the garden that offer a safe haven, such as natural hedges and sawn-off branches which are piled up under trees as brushwood.


Design tip

Anyone considering a makeover of their garden may also wish to include surfacings for terraces, seating, paths and the bordering around flower beds in their planning. It’s good to know that natural materials such as ceramic tiles can be integrated into creative design ideas to lend a unique ambience to any setting. Tiles made of porcelain stoneware additionally offer a range of functional advantages in outdoor applications. In addition to being water-repellent, weather-resistant and frost-proof, any traces which the seasons may leave behind – such as blossom, leaves and moss – can be removed from the their surfaces with the greatest of ease.

Link to outdoor tiles collections